Friday, December 27, 2019

The Road Not Taken By Robert Frost - 1025 Words

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost is a deep poem. This poem is an autobiographical poem of Frost’s life. However Frost’s first intention in writing the poem was not to be taken seriously. He had written it mocking one of his fellow writing acquaintances because of indecision incidents his acquaintance had made while they would go on walks together. However, when people read the narrative much more seriously than it was intended to be. One of those people that took it seriously was the same acquaintance it had been written for. Soon after that the poem was made famous, and today the poem is one of Robert Frost’s most successful and most famous pieces. Robert Frost is a man who uses literary devices to his advantage in trying to make his work better, devices such as symbolism, imagery, and rhyme scheme which he uses to express his thoughts through this poem, and he does so very well. The way the poem is written makes it have meaning behind it while it had been wri tten in a joking manner. It is also quite easy to read and understand because of literary devices used within it. The Road Not Taken is a very famous poem, and it is for a great reason. Robert Frost uses literary devices in his poetry, his choice of literary devices enhance his writing and enhance his poems to better the understanding of the people that read his works. One of the major literary devices that Frost uses in his poem The Road Not Taken is symbolism. The main symbolism in the entire poem is theShow MoreRelatedThe Road Not Taken By Robert Frost983 Words   |  4 PagesThe poem â€Å"The Road Not Taken was written by Robert Frost, a four-time Pulitzer Prize winner in poetry, and also a special guest at President John F. Kennedy’s inauguration (Robert Frost Biography). Frost was born on March 26, 1874 in San Francisco, California and he died of complications from prostate surgery on January 29, 1963. Much of Robert’s popularity was gained throughout Euro pe (An Analysis of Robert Frost’s Poem: The Road Not Taken). Frost became a poetic force, and the unofficial poetRead MoreThe Road Not Taken by Robert Frost764 Words   |  3 PagesWritten by Robert Frost, â€Å"The Road Not Taken† deals with about making choices in life and how those choices affect your whole life. The meter of this poem is iambic tetrameter, for the most part. In most lines, the meter follows the rule with four iambs, which means that there is one unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. But the meter is not normal since, in some lines, an anapest, which means there are two unstressed syllables followed by one stressed syllable, is substituted forRead MoreThe Road Not Taken By Robert Frost1173 Words   |  5 PagesRobert Frost, one of America’s well-known poets is highly regarded for his realistic illustrations of rural life and poetry which is still relevant in today’s society. After being honoured on numerous occasions , he became one of America’s most popular public figures. Frosts’ poems reflect his greatness and his life in a variety of ways after he was confronted with such despair and grief after the passing of his father due to tuberculosis at just eleven years of age and his mother who passed awayRead MoreThe Road Not Taken By Robert Frost995 Words   |  4 Pagesthey can only move forward hoping for the best. â€Å"The Road Not Taken†, Robert Frost, 1916. In â€Å"The Road Not Taken† a traveler is strolling through the woods and comes across two different roads he could take, and unable to travel both the poet eventually chooses which path to take. The theme conveyed is about making choices. Frost does this through the use of diction, the use of figure of speech, and the use of imagery. To start with, Frost displays the main idea of decision making by the wordsRead MoreThe Road Not Taken By Robert Frost1055 Words   |  5 Pagesago. Either way, if you admit it now or in the wee hours of the night, like most people, you will come across this question at least once in your life. Robert Frost was able to grasp this raw, vulnerable life changing moment in the palm of his hand. Then he beautifully laid it out in the form of words in the narrative poem â€Å"The Road Not Taken†. Frost is able to take you back to a time when you have been faced with a life-changing decision. Then, causing you to ask yourself â€Å"Did I make the right choiceRead MoreThe Road Not Taken By Robert Frost940 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"The Road Not Taken† was written by Robert Frost in 1916, and it was the first poem in the collection Mountain Interval (Shmoop). Even though it was written many years ago, people of all ages still study this enticing poem. Frost wrote about coming to a fork in the woods and examining which path he should take and whether he might ever come back; the speaker believes each path is fine to take, but he takes the less used path (line 6). He wrote about this decision in clear, standard English. â€Å"TheRead MoreThe Road Not Taken By Robert Frost863 Words   |  4 PagesThe Poem, â€Å"The Road Not Taken†, by Robert Frost is a detailed poem about a conflict in a person’s life, dealing with having to take the right path throughout life. The Narrator of this poem is faced with a predicament when he comes across two paths. The choices that he makes in his life, can alter the future for better or worse. This poem describes his attitude and emotion towards his choices as well as, shows examples of themes, mood, and different literary devices. The title of this poem canRead MoreThe Road Not Taken, By Robert Frost968 Words   |  4 PagesPersonal Response 3 Title: The Road Not Taken Text Type: Poem Author: Robert Frost The poem, ‘The Road Not Taken’ by Robert Frost is about the â€Å"roads† and different paths we take in our lives. Frost wrote about a traveler who had to chose between two roads. He had to decide if he wanted to go down the well used or less used path. In the end, he went down the less used path. The theme of decision making and choices is shown in this poem. I think that this is a way of describing the choices we makeRead MoreRoad Not Taken, Robert Frost942 Words   |  4 PagesEnglish 101 Burstrem October 7, 2009 The Road Not Taken Life is full of choices and decisions that could ultimately change the outcome of our lives. In the poem, â€Å"The Road Not Taken† by Robert Frost, a traveler is destined to make that decision. This traveler man has to decide which road to take, one that is frequently traveled, and the one that is not. After contemplating which road to follow, he comes to the decision to take the road less traveled because he doesn’t want to follow inRead MoreThe Road Not Taken By Robert Frost1100 Words   |  5 PagesRobert Frost reflects that poetry â€Å"begins in delight and ends in wisdom†¦.It runs a course of lucky events , and ends in a clarification of life—not necessarily a great clarification, such as sects and cults are found on, but in a momentary stay against confusion† (931). His poem â€Å"The Road Not Taken† is a clarification of life. This paper will analyze and evaluate the formal elements of â€Å"The Road Not Taken† and consid er how these elements work together to fit the author’s purpose and clarification

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Children With Bipolar Disorder The National Institute Of...

Sabrina Peters Research Essay Child Adolescent Dev. Professor Wissman November 5, 2015 Children with Bipolar Disorder The National Institute of Mental Health has defined bipolar disorder as a serious mental illness that is marked by extreme changes in mood that range between two states: manic and depressive. Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is classified as a mood disorder. This disorder goes beyond the typical ups and downs. Bipolar disorder is becoming more prevalent amongst children and teenagers and it is seen as a much more serious medical condition than it has in the past. A manic episode is characterized by feeling the following: very happy, excited, impulsive, show a short temper, talk really fast about a†¦show more content†¦was 1.3 per 10,000 and in 2004 that number jumped to 7.3 children per 10,000. In their article for Bipolar Disorder Treatment, authors J. Segal, R. Segal, and Smith explained that there is not just one type of bipolar disorder; in fact there are several different types of bipolar disorders. One type of bipolar disorder, which is the most commonly known, the Bipolar I Disorder (mania and depression). This type of bipolar disorder is characterized by at least one manic episode or mixed episode. The vast majority of those who suffer from bipolar I disorder have also experienced at least one episode of major depression, however, it is said that it is not required for the diagnosis. The second type of bipolar disorder is Bipolar II Disorder (hypomania and depression). This type of disorder does not actually involve mania like the first type did. Instead of mania, there are recurring episodes of major depression and hypomania, which is a milder form of mania. To be diagnosed with bipolar II disorder, you must have experienced at least one hypomanic episode and one m ajor depressive episode in your lifetime. The last type of bipolar disorder is Cyclothymia (hypomania and mild depression). This is a milder form of bipolar. Consistent with bipolar disorder, it shows the mood swings. However in contrast, the highs and lows are not severe enough to be considered or qualify as mania or major depression. In order to be diagnosed with cyclothymia, you must Children With Bipolar Disorder The National Institute Of... Sabrina Peters Research Essay Professor Wissman November 5, 2015 Children with Bipolar Disorder The National Institute of Mental Health has defined bipolar disorder as a serious mental illness that is marked by extreme changes in mood that range between two states: manic and depressive. Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is classified as a mood disorder. This disorder goes beyond the typical ups and downs. Bipolar disorder is becoming more prevalent and a much more serious medical condition. A manic episode is characterized by feeling the following: very happy, excited, impulsive, show a short temper, talk really fast about a lot of different things, trouble sleeping or not tired, and trouble focusing (National†¦show more content†¦In their article for Bipolar Disorder Treatment, authors J. Segal, R. Segal, and Smith explained that there is not just one type of bipolar disorder; in fact there are several different types of bipolar disorders. One type of bipolar disorder, which is the most commonly known, the Bipolar I Disorder (mania and depression). Th is type of bipolar disorder is characterized by at least one manic episode or mixed episode. The vast majority of those who suffer from bipolar I disorder have also experienced at least one episode of major depression, however, it is said that it is not required for the diagnosis. The second type of bipolar disorder is Bipolar II Disorder (hypomania and depression). This type of disorder does not actually involve mania like the first type did. Instead of mania, there are recurring episodes of major depression and hypomania, which is a milder form of mania. To be diagnosed with bipolar II disorder, you must have experienced at least one hypomanic episode and one major depressive episode in your lifetime. The last type of bipolar disorder is Cyclothymia (hypomania and mild depression). This is a milder form of bipolar. Consistent with bipolar disorder, it shows the mood swings. However in contrast, the highs and lows are not severe enough to be considered or qualify as mania or major depression. In order to be diagnosed with cyclothymia, you must experience periods of hypomania and mild depression over at least a two-year time span. This is due

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Synonymous With The Professional Responsibilities

Question: When there are conflicts of interest, you can almost guarantee that they will atleast sometimes lead to bad outcomes. Surprisingly, in many states, real estate agents can represent both the buyer and the seller in a home transaction. Answer: Introduction The Activity 3 describes the several examples of conflicts of interest faced by people at work. The incentives paid to the professional job workers, work reasonably well for the progress of their parent organization, if they are synonymous with the professional responsibilities shouldered to their employees. But in situations other way round, conflicts of interest are created that may lead to serious social and economic problem for the overall business organization. The conflict of interests may also persuade the employees to work against their professional ethics and hurt their clients and employers. Thus, eradication of the roots of the conflict of interest is one of the effective methods to reduce the unethical behaviors of the professionals. The Activity 4 describes the pressure on individuals of taking cues from the actions of other people as conformity bias. This conformity bias is very high when the peer group are co-employees and close friends. The important virtue of loyalty is many a times the prominent reason for conformity among individuals, working in groups. Further group thinking may also exacerbate the conformity bias among the individuals. The psychological and organizational pressures can even make good intentioned individuals to lie and behave unethically, despite of the good character they possess. The Activity 5 describes several circumstances and situations of ethical fading. This phenomenon makes an individual to forget about the ethical dimensions of the actions taken by oneself, for ones own benefit. As time passes on these individuals realize the unethical side of their past actions and start fetching for opportunities restore their clean self image. The moral disengagement thus allows individuals to suspend their personal ethical codes, yet continuing viewing themselves as ethical people. Answers to Activity Questions Activity 3 1. I have experienced conflict of interest as a student, while drafting my project report during the summer internship. The Report had to include analysis and findings on the work scheduling practices of the company, for which I was working as a summer intern. I had come across several loopholes in the work scheduling practices of the company; however I avoided mentioning them in my report as it was to be undersigned by my project guide, who was an employee of that company. 2. Eliminating the root cause of this potential conflict would be an effective way to avoid further unethical behavior from my side. This may be best done by me and others by adhering to the rules and regulations drafted by the policy makers. Always following the rules and procedures makes ones actions ethical and moral. 3. The librarian of the college wanted to read a newly launched book. Hence he had refrained from issuing that book to a fellow student who had asked it on the very next day after the launch. The librarian has lied that all the copies of that book were issued, out of his own personal interest to read that book. 4. Modern Organizations of today are adapting stricter ethical codes of conduct and policies that are refraining employees from unethical practices and behaviors. Several of the Organizations have also included monetary incentives as part of the compensation structure of the staff member for rewarding ethical behavior at work place. Activity 4 1. I remember an incident of filling up a feedback form of a guest lecturer that had visited our college for getting self interviewed. The majority of the students in my class found that lecturer boring and decided to rate the feedback-form negatively. I followed the crowd and gave less average ratings to this speaker. I always regret this action when I think of this incidence as I know that the speaker had good fundamental knowledge and could have fetched better ratings, alas, this conformity bias. 2. Cheating is a part of a character of an individual, with may not be linked with the conformity behavior, as it is purely associated with behavioral aspects of an individual. I do not think so that cheating might be a contagious action, as it is highly associated with sheer character of an individual. 3. Loyalty is a positive trait. But an individual should also abide by ones own principles and character in any of the actions that he performs. Simply getting influenced by group decisions that seems unethical, but are supported by group is as good as cheating ones own self. An individual should try to carefully intervene in the unethical and wrong actions directed by the group and should firmly explain the group without fearing the mob mentality. 4. Yes, I had experience a similar situation when two of my friends insisted to bunk classes for a movie. Four other nodded their heads and the decision was taken. I was a part of this circle of friends and was afraid to negate the group decision. However I offered to plead them to go for movie after classes with great courage, rather than following their wrong decision. Activity 5 1. The concept of ethical fading can be explained as a simple brain activity of thoughtfully forgetting the unethical side of a particular action and continuing that action for ones own benefit. Ethical fading did happen in my case while eating snacks at a nearby food joint. This food joint did employ some of the child laborers that worked in their kitchen. I had decided never to visit that snack joint for this reason. However, on last Friday, since the college canteen was closed, I was hungry and tempted to order snacks from this outlet. 2. Yes, as I narrated this earlier, there was a guest lecturer that had visited our college for an interview. We students were asked to fill feedback form for his lecture. In an attempt to fit in between my friends, I stood by the majority of the crowd and gave a negative rating. I always regret this action when I think of this incidence as I know that the speaker had good fundamental knowledge and could have fetched better ratings. 3. Yes, one of my friends had worked as an auditor with a firm, during his summer internship. The friend of mine wanted to fetch good remarks on his project certificate, and wanted to be in good books of the firm. Thus, he carefully avoided all the negative audit remarks in his report and gave a clean chit feedback to the company in his complied report. He was certainly a victim of ethical fading. Summary of Main Findings The Following are the key findings from the Activities: 1.The conflicts of interest should be rightly avoided as they might create consequences that may lead to serious social and economic problem for the overall society. The eradication these conflict of interest is one of the effective methods to reduce the unethical behaviors of the professionals. 2.The psychological and organizational pressures can make good intentioned individuals to lie and behave unethically, despite of the good character they possess. This may be described as conformity bias that has to be fought by individuals by staying grounded to their character and morals. 3.Individuals should also guard themselves against the ethical fading, as these actions would later make them regret their own actions. Conclusion Ethics and morality is all about how human minds work in the situations encountered by them. The best way to maintain ones ethical composition is by adherence to the principles of conduct and principles of morality in a society or a work environment. Abiding by the rules and regulations of the law makers is always a guideline for the individuals to maintain accurate ethic levels in their thoughts and actions. References Bowman, J.S. and Menzel, D.C., 1998, Teaching Ethics and Values in Public Administration Programs: Innovations, Strategies and Issues, SUNY Press: Albany British Columbia Lottery Corporation, 2014, Standards of Ethical Business conduct for British Columbia Lottery Corporation Employees, Retrived on January 28. Cohn, A., Fehr, E., Herrmann, B., Schneider, F., 2011, Social comparison in the workplace: Evidence from a field experiment, IZA Discussion Paper No. 5550 Henrique, I., Sadorsky, P., 1999, The relationship between environmental commitment and managerial perceptions of stakeholder importance,The Academy of Management Journal,42(1), 87-99. Mayhem Ruth, 2013, Examples of conformity in the workplace,Houston Chronicle,Retrieved on January 28, 2015, from Painter, Richard, 2009,Getting the Government America Deserves: How Ethics Reform Can Make a Difference, Oxford University Press. Pearson, J.M., Crosby, L. and Shim, J.P., 1997, Measuring the Importance of Ethical Criteria Behavior, Communications of the ACM, 40, 9, 94-100.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Stryker Corporation In-sourcing PCBs Essay Essay Example

Stryker Corporation: In-sourcing PCBs Essay Essay 1. State the Business Case for # 3 Option # 3 has several benefits that make it the most feasible option of all. Here are the undermentioned benefits: * This option promises a higher grade of control over quality and bringing. These developments will assist cut down the logistic losingss. * The initial outgo ( fabricating costs ) will be revenue enhancement deductible. enabling Stryker to take down its revenue enhancement duty in the initial old ages of in-house fabrication. * The depreciation factor of initial investing will besides be revenue enhancement deductible. We will write a custom essay sample on Stryker Corporation: In-sourcing PCBs Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Stryker Corporation: In-sourcing PCBs Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Stryker Corporation: In-sourcing PCBs Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer * Accounts collectible span has increased from being 30 to 120 yearss due to new dialogues with providers. This means that Stryker will largely do money of the client before it has to pay back to its providers. * Having an in-house fabrication unit will enable Stryker Corporation to alter the sum of production rapidly. expeditiously and harmonizing to the altering demand to maximise the profitableness. * A perpendicular integrating of the company will take to monetary value decrease and attentive client service. * With the insourcing unit put in topographic point. Stryker will be to the full equipped to run into its future growing demands. * The current PCBs providers are frequently non dependable as they operate on really light net income border and have opportunities of running into bankruptcy. 2. Compute Capital Budgeting Decision Criteria. Discuss what they mean NPV: Cost of the current sourcing method has a NPV of $ -32. 67M over a period of 6 old ages ( 2004-2009 ) . Cost of the In-house fabrication method has a NPV of $ -31. 8M over a period of 6 old ages ( 2004-2009 ) . This means taking this undertaking has a positive NPV of $ 870. 000. Harmonizing to this analysis. fabricating in-house will work out to be cheaper. IRR: 37. 9 % . holding such a high IRR signifies that there is good mistake border in the cost of capital. In simple words. even if the cost of capital went up from 15 % to 37. 9 % . NPV will merely go 0. Therefore. Option # 3 is the good investing compared to the current option. Payback Period: I calculated a payback period of 3. 11 old ages ( get downing at get downing of 2004 ) that means at 3. 11 old ages the undertaking will make its breakeven point and after this point it will get down generating net income. 3. How would you compare this to options 1 A ; 2 This is a better option than # 1 and # 2. Option # 1 has following drawbacks: * Acquiring safety stock and establishing double sourcing of all electronic assemblies would take to higher cost of stock list. * This would take to more expensive and complex stock list direction system. The Option # 2 has its ain drawbacks like: * Having a individual provider can give provider more bargaining power. * This option will decidedly better the dependability standards but will besides intend hopeless dependence on a individual provider for all sorts and sums of PCBs which can be unsafe as any failure to run into the stuff demands by the provider may intend unmanufactured merchandises. 4. Would urge support this undertaking? I would decidedly propose support this undertaking merely non because it’s NPV ( Cost of option # 3 ) is less in absolute value than the NPV ( Cost of current option ) which means it is comparatively inexpensive to bring forth PCBs in-house. This option should besides be preferred because this undertaking will enable Stryker to hold greater control over its production processes. Having non being dependent on any outside beginnings for PCBs supply will salvage Stryker from unobserved and unwanted losingss. The fabricating units of PCBs can be adjusted harmonizing to the gross revenues and can be extremely flexible with the insource fabrication set up.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Crucible The Evil Of Fear Essay Example For Students

The Crucible: The Evil Of Fear Essay The Crucible: The Evil of FearIn The Crucible, a play written by Arthur Miller, the strict Puritancommunity of Salem is bombarded with the hysteria of witchcraft. It starts whenfive young girls of Salem are caught dancing in the forest. Instead as merechildren playing, this behavior is viewed upon by the Puritans as the work ofthe devil. As the hysteria builds momentum, more and more accusations radiate. Reverend Hale, a well known expert on witches, is brought into Salem tocleanse the town of its evil. At the beginning of the play, Hale leads theonslaught of punishment for the accused; but by the end, he radically changeshis views, denouncing the court and its proceedings. At first, Hale believes that the witch trials are necessary, and standsby them unconditionally. When he first comes to town, he concludes that Satanis at work. And I mean to crush him utterly if he has shown face! (p.39) Haleshows his strong abhorrence toward evil. He is willing to follow the churchsauthority to do anything to put a stop to it. While he is talking to Abigail, agirl who was caught dancing in the forest, he yells, You cannot evade me(p.43) Hale expects to find evidence of witchcraft. This expectation leads himto early, not fully thought out conclusions. Hale is determined to end thealignments these witches have with the Devil, and he knows the court is too. We will write a custom essay on The Crucible: The Evil Of Fear specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Later, Hales views on the courts change and he becomes less obedient toits decisions. When the judge finds out that John Proctor, an accused witch,plows on the Sabbath, he becomes disgusted; but Hale questions his authority. Your Honor, I cannot think that you may judge the man on such evidence. (p.78)Hale is slowly starting to see how much authority the judges have that they donot deserve. He is becoming doubtful in their decisions. Hale, seeing thedanger Mr. Proctor is facing, begs, In Gods name, sir, stop here; send himhome and let him come again with a lawyer- (p.85) Hale realizes the lack ofrepresentation that Mr. Proctor has. He does not want to see an innocent man beput in jail, or even worse, hanged. Hale is starting to lose his alliance withthe courts. Finally, Hale becomes convinced that the trials are wrong, and he wantsto end them. When he is counseling Elizabeth Proctor, he pleads, Let you notmistake your duty as I mistook my own. (p.110) He knows that he has played amajor role in the trials by instigating them. He does not want her to allowthis mistake to continue, so he begs her to confess to the charges. When theJudge does not listen to Hales request to end the trials, He exclaims, Idenounce these proceedings, I quit this court! (p.101) Hale knows the graveerror these trials have caused, possibly innocent people being hanged. He doesnot want his name to be part of it. Hale willfully declares himself against thecourt. The Puritans strict way of life, and the rules the religion places onits society, leads to the fear that evil is thriving in Salem. Reverend Haleis caught in the middle, and while he thinks he is helping the Community withtheir problems, he is actually making them worse. Eventually, he discovers histerrible mistakes, but by then, it is too late.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The eNotes Blog Best Beatrice and Benedick Insults,Explained

Best Beatrice and Benedick Insults,Explained Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing is one of his most successful romantic comedies. It is ridiculously funny, in part because the banter is so absurd (the characters even more so), but also in part because unlike other Shakespearean comedies, there’s actually no major tragedy that ensues. One of my favorite parts of reading Much Ado About Nothing was the delightfully witty banter between two of the main characters: Beatrice and Benedick. I am not alone in this. Many people credit this play’s lasting success to the hilarious rapid-fire between these two characters. The thing is, Shakespeare used a lot of slang from his time, so many of his jokes are more difficult to figure out. So, in order to get the full effect of their brilliant gibes (and trust me, you really do want to), you might need to do a bit of translation to see what they’d sound like if we said them today. Don’t fret though- I’ve done a bit of the work for you. But of course, this means spoilers! Read on if you want to learn how to wittily banter with someone while simultaneously courting them, according to Beatrice and Benedick. Name Calling Beatrice:     Ã‚  I wonder that you will still be talking, Signior   Benedick:   Nobody marks you. Benedick:  Ã‚  What, my dear Lady Disdain! are you yet living? Beatrice:     Ã‚  Is it possible Disdain should die when she hath such                                 meet food to feed it as Signior Benedick? Courtesy itself                                 must convert to disdain if you come in her presence                                   - (act 1 scene 1). If we spent a little more time crafting our insults these days, we might say this like: â€Å"Why are you are still talking, Benedick? Nobody is listening to you.† â€Å"Oh, look! It’s my Lady Disdain herself! Aren’t you dead yet?† â€Å"How could Lady Disdain die when there are people like you to keep disdain alive? When you’re here, even Lady Courtesy turns into Lady Disdain.† We all want to seem really cool when we reunite with the one we love for the first time in years (or is it just me). To do so, be sure to use â€Å"punny† jokes to insult their intelligence and demeanor. If you really want to impress someone, Benedick suggests you double the insult with some good old-fashioned name-calling. Real mature, Benedick. I Dont Like You More Than You Dont Like Me Beatrice and Benedick are fond of playing a game called, â€Å"Who is less vulnerable to love’s pains?† Or in other words: Maybe if we both act like we really loathe one another, no one will notice that we don’t. Quick, say something rude about my appearance! Beatrice:      [] I thank God and     my cold blood, I am of your humour for that. I had rather     hear my dog bark at a crow than a man swear he loves     me. Benedick:   God keep your Ladyship still in that mind! So some     gentleman or other shall ‘scape a predestinate scratched     face. Beatrice:     Scratching could not make it worse an ‘twere such     a face as yours were.                        - (act 1 scene 1) Today, I imagine this as something like: â€Å"Thank God that I don’t care about love and romance. I’d rather listen to my dog bark at a crow than hear a man swear that he loves me.† â€Å"Well let’s hope you stay in that frame of mind, so some poor guy can avoid getting his face scratched up.† â€Å"If he has a face that looks like yours, even a good scratching couldnt make him look any worse.† Obviously, we know that neither of these two are truly impervious to love’s charms, but it’s fun to watch them pretend to be, isn’t it? It might seem counter-intuitive to tell the person that we’re crushing on that their face looks like a cat used it for a scratching post. But as we can see here, calling them ugly totally lets them know that you’re into them (she said, sarcastically). I Just Came to Tell You That I Hate Talking to You When Beatrice is told to deliver the message to Benedick that dinner is ready, she takes the moment to remind him how much she hates talking to him- because obviously if you love someone you should definitely tell them repeatedly how much you hate being in their presence. Benedick: You took pleasure then in the message? Beatrice:  Ã‚  Yea, just so much you may take upon a knife’s point,                              and choke a daw withal.                              - (act 2 scene 3). This one is only self-explanatory if you know that a daw is a very small bird that eats, you guessed it, a very small amount of food. Beatrice is saying something like the following:   I enjoyed telling you that dinner was ready about as much as it would take to make a daw choke. Ooh, Elizabethan burn! As you can see, Shakespeare is the perfect guy to go to when you need a little inspiration for some good old-fashioned insults to mask your undying love for someone. Because if it worked for them†¦ just kidding. I don’t think you should try this at home. But all joking aside, Much Ado About Nothing is filled with romantic relationships that are really complicated. Beatrice and Benedick’s relationship is no exception. Their fears and insecurities cause the two to push one another away, but their game of wits shows them to be compatible in their intelligence, humor, and wit. They eventually admit their love to one another with the help of meddling from their friends and well-timed letter reading, as only characters in a play can. I for one, am happy for these two lovebirds.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The School Nurse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The School Nurse - Essay Example However, in today's world the school nurse position is not given the resources necessary to accomplish this goal and the role has become so unmanageable and the task so encompassing it may be placing education and students at risk. The number of students taking Ritalin has doubled since 1990 and now exceeds 3 million students (Goldberg, 1). The over worked nurses must medicate these students to insure the proper dose to the correct student. The pervasiveness of lunchtime medication has become so involved and lines of children outside nurses' offices so prevalent, that in Boston, schools are now facing a challenging dilemma; Who should have responsibility for the medicating According to Carey Goldberg, reporter for the New York Times, " officials have proposed that individual nurses be given permission to delegate the distribution of their ''meds'' to handpicked, supervised staff members". Many nurses who advocate the addition of higher paid nurses as a solution rather than reducing their roles have discredited the plan as unsafe. However, school officials see it as a reasonable cost cutting measure in this New World of psychoactive drugs. Untrained personnel handing out sensitive and dangerous drugs a re certainly placing the students at an increased risk. School nurses are called upon to walk obese students, insert catheters, and administer diabetic insulin. These are disciplines that call on the highest order of medical training. Food poisoning, infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, and injuries from student violence complicate these situations. The nurse is required to perform the duties of a general practitioner while having the training of a nurse and the attendant pay scale. Still, school systems balk at the possibility of adding more nurses to the staff due to cost considerations. While the National Association of School Nurses recommends that a school system have one nurse per 750 students, the national average is one nurse per 1350 students (Vail). Attending to the students medical needs should be a priority to assure that the system is promoting adequate and fair education, but staffing at a 50% level can not guarantee success of the health of the student body. Obesity is running rampant through the school corridors and nutrition and healthy food have come into the spotlight. Once again, the school nurse is called on to make recommendations and plans to provide a healthy diet and reduce the problem of overweight children. Nutrition is a special discipline and often runs counter to the school's agenda of providing vending machines and a junk food cafeteria. There is more profit in a McDonald's station than there is in a healthy dietary offering. The American Medical Association advocates a proactive approach based on food types and amounts that are to be offered through school lunches ("Expert Committee Recommendations", 8). Dedicated school nurses can not be expected to protect the health of children in the existing political and economical climate of many school boards. They are not trained as nutritionists and do nor serve the political function of being socially